Radish Seed Pod Pickles

umm…what in the world??? Radish Seed Pod Pickles?

Radish Seed Pods

In looking at Pinterest or some other gardening something in the cyber world, I came across the fact that radishes go to seed in pods. And those pods are edible.

In the spring, I was frustrated with my garden not producing well and knew it was likely due to old seeds, so in an attempt to not be wasteful, I threw those old seed packets onto the garden in hopes that they MIGHT grow into something!

I had one packet that did grow, but not enough for me to tell what it was. It got really leggy and went to flower pretty quickly.

Radish Flowers (edible)

The other day, I noticed that it was developing seed pods and realized it had been radish seeds. NO radishes grew though, just the greens (and very puny greens at that).

Once I realized what it was, I went to Pinterest to see what kind of recipes there are for these.

Most of what I found are for seed pod pickles. So yesterday, I harvested pods and made a half of a batch of radish seed pods pickles. From what I’ve read, everything in this plant will have the bit of spice that a radish does.

Radish Seed Pod Pickles (edible? I’ll see tomorrow!!)

I’ll let them sit in the brine for a couple of days to really get good and pickled and then I’ll try them.

Some of the pods will also be left in the garden to dry up and I’ll harvest those to use to seed new radishes next year.

Apparently, the entire radish plant is edible. I think I’ll stick to the bulbs and if these pods turn out tasty, I’ll eat those too. The flowers, stems and roots can stay where they are.