Reusable Paper Towels

*Updated 1/9/2025 – scroll to the end for the update In previous posts, I’ve mentioned that I am looking for ways to avoid the stores (thus saving money). I was at a garden show earlier in 2024 and one of the vendors was selling reusable paper towels. The vendor’s stuff was cute, but she didn’t… Continue reading Reusable Paper Towels

Freeze Drying – 2024 Black Friday Sale!

*this post has affiliate links which means that if you make a purchase through the links below, I will make a small commission If you’ve read my blog in the past, you know that I love freeze drying!! Here are some past posts where I’ve talked about it: Reducing Food WasteStrawberries I originally bought the… Continue reading Freeze Drying – 2024 Black Friday Sale!

A Day in the Life – Probiotics

*a few of the links in this post are affiliate links. That means if you click and order something, I’ll make a few pennies. What does a day in my life look like? Most days are pretty similar. Some days I have more energy than others or get more ambitious than on other days. Rather… Continue reading A Day in the Life – Probiotics

Radish Seed Pod Pickles

umm…what in the world??? Radish Seed Pod Pickles? In looking at Pinterest or some other gardening something in the cyber world, I came across the fact that radishes go to seed in pods. And those pods are edible. In the spring, I was frustrated with my garden not producing well and knew it was likely… Continue reading Radish Seed Pod Pickles

Tea Towels

(This post contains affiliate links which means if you purchase something through this link, I’ll make a few cents) I started a new hobby this past winter and have continued as I wait for spring and all of the outdoor activities to begin – embroidery. Now that the outdoor activities have begun, I’ve set this… Continue reading Tea Towels


(This post contains affiliate links which means if you purchase from my link, I will make a few cents) It’s strawberry season here in the PNW. I’m very thankful for a u-pick farm nearby that has a variety of things I can pick. While they aren’t certified organic, they practice clean farming practices which we… Continue reading Strawberries

Berries in bloom

“Anyway, like I was sayin’, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey’s uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp… Continue reading Berries in bloom

Raspberry Rhubarb Jam

Rhubarb – how I love thee and how I hate thee!!! Rhubarb causes so much excitement because it’s the first thing to harvest in the spring which means it is almost the start of gardening season. (Here in the Pacific Northwest, that season starts late and ends quick!!!) I also hate rhubarb – what in… Continue reading Raspberry Rhubarb Jam